We provide a number of different linksets useful for different types of network extension:

Note: Originally, we focused on regulatory interactions but people have been using CyTargetLinker in a lot of different ways, so we decided to rename our RegINs to linksets.

If you are missing a link set for a specific database, species or use case, please contact us and we will try to create the network files.

Do you want to create your own link set? Find out more.
If you have any questions, please contact us.

DatabaseInteraction TypesLinksets
miRTarBasemicroRNA-target geneLinksets
TargetScanmicroRNA-target geneLinksets
TransmiRTranscription factor – microRNA interactionsLinksets
miRBaseprimary transcript – miRNALinksets
DatabaseInteraction TypesLinksets
ENCODETF-target interactionsLinksets
TransmiRTranscription factor – microRNA interactionsLinksets
DatabaseInteraction TypesLinksets
DrugBankdrug-target interactionsLinksets
ChEMBLcompound – protein targetLinksets
CTDcompound – protein targetLinksets
DatabaseInteraction TypesLinksets
WikiPathwaysgene – pathway associationsLinksets
DatabaseInteraction TypesLinksets
Rare genetic diseasesgene – disease associationsLinksets